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75,000 ج.م
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اعلى كارت صوت فى العالمUniversal apollo twin quad core thunderbolt 2s

مدينة نصر، القاهرة
منذ 4 أسابيع
نوع السعرقابل للنقاش
النسخه ال quad core اغلى و اعلى نسخه من الكارتThe Apollo Twin MKII QUAD core Interface with Realtime UAD Processing from Universal Audio is a Thunderbolt audio interface capable of capturing your audio in up to 24-bit/192 kHz with real-time, low-latency UAD plug-in processing. Building upon the success of the original, the Twin MKII offers a ground-up redesign of the A/D and D/A converters, as well as increased dynamic range and ultra-low THD. Other enhancements include improved monitor functionality with Mute, Dim, Mono, and ALT speaker switching, as well as monitor remote controls and a built-in talkback mic for easy communication with talent and/or recording slate cues. Like the original, the Twin MKII features Universal Audio's Unison technology, which, in conjunction with their UAD plug-ins, is capable of emulating a range of tube and solid-state microphone preamps, including their impedance and gain-stage sweet spots. The interface includes the Realtime Analog Classics UAD plug-in bundle, featuring legacy editions of the LA-2A Classic Audio Leveler, the 1176LN Limiting Amplifier, and Pultec EQP-1A Program Equalizer, plus Softube Amp Room Essentials, and the 610-B Tube Preamp. Desktop 2x6 Thunderbolt audio interface for Mac and Windows with next-generation 24-bit/192 kHz audio conversion UAD-2 QUAD Core Processing for tracking through vintage compressors, EQs, tape machines, mic preamps, and guitar amp plug-ins with near-zero latency Unison technology offers stunning models of classic tube and transformer-based preamps, guitar amps, and stompboxes Built-in talkback mic for communication with studio talent and recording slate cues Improved monitor functionality including monitor remote functions and Mono, Mute, DIM, and ALT monitor controls Two premium Unison mic/line preamps Two line outputs Front-panel Hi-Z instrument input Headphone output Two digitally controlled analog monitor outputs for full resolution at all listening levels Up to eight channels of additional digital input via optical TOSLINK connection Includes Realtime Analog Classics UAD plug-in bundle Uncompromising analog design, superior components, and premium build quality Included in the Realtime Analog Classics Bundle UA 610-B Tube Preamp & EQ UA 1176LN Limiting Amplifier (Legacy) UA 1176SE Limiting Amplifier (Legacy) Pultec EQP-1A EQ (Legacy) Pultec Pro EQ (Legacy) Teletronix LA-2A Leveling Amplifier (Legacy) Fairchild 670 Compressor (Legacy) Precision Enhancer Hz Raw Distortion Softube Amp Room Half-Stack (Softube Amp Room Essentials) Softube Bass Amp Room 8x10 (Softube Amp Room Essentials) Precision Channel Strip (Precision Mix Rack Collection) Precision Reflection Engine (Precision Mix Rack Collection) Precision Delay Mod (Precision Mix Rack The Apollo Twin MKII QUAD Desktop Interface with Realtime UAD Processing from Universal Audio is a Thunderbolt audio interface capable of capturing your audio in up to 24-bit/192 kHz with real-time, low-latency UAD plug-in processing. Building upon the success of the original, the Twin MKII offers a ground-up redesign of the A/D and D/A converters, as well as increased dynamic range and ultra-low THD. Other enhancements include improved monitor functionality with Mute, Dim, Mono, and ALT speaker switching, as well as monitor remote controls and a built-in talkback mic for easy communication with talent and/or recording slate cues. Like the original, the Twin MKII features Universal Audio's Unison technology, which, in conjunction with their UAD plug-ins, is capable of emulating a range of tube and solid-state microphone preamps, including their impedance and gain-stage sweet spots. The interface includes the Realtime Analog Classics UAD plug-in bundle, featuring legacy editions of the LA-2A Classic Audio Leveler, the 1176LN Limiting Amplifier, and Pultec EQP-1A Program Equalizer, plus Softube Amp Room Essentials, and the 610-B Tube Preamp. Desktop 2x6 Thunderbolt audio interface for Mac and Windows with next-generation 24-bit/192 kHz audio conversion UAD-forvintage compressors,
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رقم الإعلان 199698516
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