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32GB Black Deluxe Set Nintendo Wii U Console جيجا أسود وي يو32 0
6,000 ج.م
قابل للتفاوض

32GB Black Deluxe Set Nintendo Wii U Console جيجا أسود وي يو32

ترسا، الجيزة
منذ 3 أشهر
نوع السعرقابل للنقاش
can be hacked and has zelda, mario, nintendo land and a lot of games. has all the accessories: sensor, wii controllers and all the cables يمكن اختراقه ولديه zelda و mario و nintendo land والكثير من الألعاب يحتوي على جميع الملحقات: جهاز استشعار ، وحدات تحكم وجميع الكابلات Size Approximately 1.8 inches high, 10.6 inches deep and 6.75 inches long. Weight Approximately 3.5 pounds (1.6 kg). Appearance The new console features a compact design that will make it a natural addition to any home entertainment setup. CPU IBM Power-based multi-core microprocessor. GPU AMD Radeon-based High Definition GPU. Storage The Premium Pack console has 32GB of internal flash memory, and the Basic Pack console has 8GB. (Click here for more details about Wii U storage). In addition to the internal flash memory, external USB storage can be used to increase maximum storage capacity. SD Card support SD Memory Cards up to 2GB and SDHC Cards up to 32GB are supported. Supported Media Wii U and Wii optical discs. Networking Wii U can access the Internet via wireless (IEEE 802.11b/g/n) connection. The console features four USB 2.0 connectors – two in the front and two in the rear – that support Wii LAN Adapters (sold separately). Wii Compatibility Nearly all Wii software and accessories can be used with Wii U. Please note: Nintendo GameCube software and accessories are not supported. Audio Output Uses six-channel PCM linear output via HDMI port, or analogue output via the AV Multi Out connector. Video Output Supports 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i. Compatible cables include HDMI, Wii Component Video, Wii RGB and Wii AV. Controllers The Wii U console is capable of supporting two Wii U GamePad controllers, up to four Wii Remote (or Wii Remote Plus) controllers or Wii U Pro Controllers, and Wii accessories such as the Nunchuk, Classic Controller and Wii Balance Board.
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رقم الإعلان 203434487
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