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135,000 ج.م
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Custom Alesis DM10X Drums Kit+Roland PM-30+ Tama Iron Cobra درامز

مدينة نصر، القاهرة
منذ 3 ساعات
نوع السعرقابل للنقاش
النوعطبلة - إيقاع
It is a "Custom Electronic Drums", not a set you find anywhere else, intended only for serious drummers, who has limitation in playing real drums experience, without having issues with neighbors . It is based on Alesis DM 10X Kit And Tama Iron Cobra drum's pedals plus accessories. Here is what this drums setup: - Alesis 12-inch snare (dual-zone pads feature real mylar drumheads). - Alesis two 10-inch floor toms. - Alesis four 8-inch toms. - Alesis Drum Set, BLACK, 12-inch (Pro X Hi-Hat). - Alesis 8-inch kick. - Alesis four 12-inch crash cymbals (dual zone) - Alesis 14-inch, three-zone ride cymbal - Alesis Hi-Hat Pedal, can be customized to an extra kick pedal, since we have the full new Hi-Hat Pro system. - 2 sets of Alesis rugged XRack (ultra-solid four-post design) for expansion. - Alesis DM10 module. The DM10 hosts a built-in sequencer, metronome, top-panel mixer, and a variety of outputs. It also includes more than 1,000 uncompressed, sample-based sounds that were produced using Alesis’ proprietary Dynamic Articulation™ multi-sample technology. - Alesis Trigger IO - Roland PM-30 Personal Monitor Amplifier - Tama Iron Cobra 900 Lever Glide Hi-Hat Stand HH905D - Tama 1st Chair - Tama Iron Cobra 900 Power Glide Single Bass Drum Pedal - Native Instrument Maschine Stand
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رقم الإعلان 167986694
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  • متدفعش او تحول فلوس الا لما تعاين المنتج كويس
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