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Robotics Academy Manager

ج.م 3000 - ج.م 6000
إلكترونيات فى هندسة
مدينة نصر، القاهرة
منذ 1 شهر
مستوى الخبرة3-5 سنوات
المستوى التعليميبكالوريوس
نوع العملدوام كامل
نوع مكان العملفي الموقع
Job Description Robotics Education Academy is a startup company in 2024, yet it has rapid growth and great success, especially with its strategic partners. The current period is focused on expanding the number of students accepted into the available programs and expanding the diversity of the programs offered as well. In light of the increasing growth in programs, the Academy seeks to hire a director with academic, administrative and educational experience to complete the governance process. Responsibilities Participates in developing a future vision for the growth of the academy. Deal in a positive and professional way to trainers and parents. Research and Develop program curriculum involving hands-on activities and projects using STEM concepts. Handling ToT and feedback. Ability to make reports for management. Protecting the confidentiality of records and information gained as part of exercising professional duties. Ensuring that staff supervision and evaluation procedures are accomplished in a fair and consistent manner that encourages accountability, growth, and excellence in accordance with policy. Supervising staff to ensure that all responsibilities are met and exceeded Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in computer engineering (Mechatronics, Electronics, Power) or Computer science. Project Management Skills. Excellent command of spoken and written in English. Passionate, energetic, self-learner, highly tolerant and adaptable to constant change resulting from our rapid growth. Teaching Skills: The ability to simplify and transfer technical knowledge to students. Ability to teach (programming, engineering) projects. Excellent teaching & Instructional skills. Technical skills: Extra: Experience with electronics, mechanics and programming used in teaching STEM for Students under 18 Arduino microcontrollers and Arduino c. Design and 3d modeling CAD, fabrication and 3D printing Experience with the FLL Competition
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رقم الإعلان 204032794
الإبلاغ عن هذا الإعلان
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هذا الإعلان غير متاح
سلامتك تهمنا
  • قابل البايع في مكان عام زي المترو أو المولات أو محطات البنزين
  • خد حد معاك وانت رايح تقابل البايع أو المشتري
  • عاين المنتج كويس قبل ما تشتري وتأكد ان سعره مناسب
  • متدفعش او تحول فلوس الا لما تعاين المنتج كويس
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