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1 / 8
250,000 ج.م

Siemens Magnetom C1 0.35T MRI System

الهرم، الجيزة
منذ 15 ساعات
النوعمعدات السونار و الأشعة
The Magnetom C! 0.35T by Siemens is a mid-field MRI system that provides superb image quality with the largest anatomical coverage. It is a multi-channel RF MR system with the best SNR at 0.35T. It is equipped with a unique C-shaped magnet. This provides for easy side loading and a compact design to create an open and free atmosphere for your patients. It is also equipped with extra large body and knee coils to help accommodate your obese patients and provide them with a more comfortable exam. The Magnetom C! 0.35T has a patient friendly design and has a wide choice of applications that will result in more referrals for your clinic. When you use the Magnetom C! 0.35T you are going to experience shorter scan times and higher throughput. This MRI system will offer your clinic exceptional gradients for rapid acquisition as well as highly differentiated image details. It is equipped with quick and easy patient positioning and posterior coil parts that will remain on the table. It also offers the benefits of low operating costs which will give you a high return on your investment. Siemens Magnetom C! 0.35T Product Description Provides the best SNR at 0.35T Low operating costs Uses advanced imaging techniques Extra large body and knee coils Wide choice of applications Clinical Applications syngo MR Neuro syngo MR Ortho syngo MR Vascular syngo MR Cardiac syngo MR Pediatric syngo MR Oncology syngo MR Body For more information on the Siemens Magnetom C! 0.35T MRI system, contact Siemens MRI Equipment. We can provide high quality MRI equipment at the right price for your
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رقم الإعلان 202645566
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