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Swedish Point 65 XO 13 Touring Kayak (4 meters) + Accessories 0
شاهد صور
60,000 ج.م

Swedish Point 65 XO 13 Touring Kayak (4 meters) + Accessories

مدينة نصر، القاهرة
منذ 5 أيام
---------- Selling for 55,000LE without the listed accessories. ---------- This Point 65 XO 13 touring kayak is an exceptionally great kayak, and it's made in Sweden. It was a custom order with a 3 layer polyethylene build, so super durable, and it's in excellent condition. It's 4 meters long, and weighs around 35kg. The kayak is being sold with the following accessories: 1- Point 65 paddle 2- Vinyl cover 3- Kayak cart This is a description of this kayak model off of paddling. com: Paddlers fall for the looks as much as the performance of the XO13. The XO13 and the shorter version, the XO11 are recreational touring kayaks that perform better than many significantly longer kayaks. The XO13 draws attention wherever it goes. At 13’ this is a high-performance day boat with obvious touring capabilities. The XO13’s hull is designed for stability, maneuverability and excellent tracking in any waters. From coastal areas, to lakes and rivers. The XO13 is equipped with the new, innovative Point 65 Symmetry skeg system, foot braces, and storage compartments both front and aft for storage and added safety. A liftable rudder is optional with Easy-to-adjust rudder pedals. The XO13 is a great recreational kayak for day excursions, fishing, photographing, and just having fun. For more information about the kayak, you can google "Point 65 XO 13 kayak details," and you'll find plenty of information.
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رقم الإعلان 202938699
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