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Time-Saver Standards for Urban Design 0
4,000 ج.م

Time-Saver Standards for Urban Design

القرية الذكية، 6 أكتوبر
منذ 1 شهر
نوع الخدمةدروس أخرى
or access to any online entitlements included with the product. MAGNIFICENTLY ILLUSTRATED AND INTERNATIONAL IN SCOPE, HERE IS THE DEFINITIVE REFERENCE ON URBAN DESIGN This important addition to the McGraw-Hill Time Saver Standards series is an entirely new, comprehensive, meticulously researched compendium of every aspect of the physical design of cities and other urban places including communities and civic and public places. Featuring articles by authoritative urban design scholars and practitioners, Time-Saver Standards for Urban Design provides a visual and detailed archival record of: Context of global cities Classic texts of urban design Urban design history and design theory Preservation, renewal, and extension of existing cities Methods of urban design from regional to pedestrian scale Sustainable communities Details and case studies of urban design practice Time-Saver Standards for Urban Design covers the full-spectrum of allied disciplines such as transportation planning, bioregionalism, storm water management, parking, universal design, urban acoustics, and graphics. It provides a single-source for the key reference articles on urban design and physical planning of cities, including social, environmental and economic data. This inaugural volume on the topic of urban design in the Time-Saver Standard series is written for easy reference by urban planners and designers, architects, landscape professionals, environmental engineers, civil and transportation engineers, as well as municipal government and planning officials. This “soon to be a classic” provides a one-volume reference that is indispensable for urban design policy and practice. It is equally valuable for the urban studies educators and students of architecture, urban design and planning
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رقم الإعلان 204044775
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