VW Scirocco 2.0T ( Transmission tunned stage ) ( 250 Horsepower )
- Engine 2.0T stock
- 19 inch Rims ( sport ) ( 20,000 EGP )
- rear tunned light Scirocco R ( 35,000 EGP )
- transmission tunned
- straight pipe included but not installed yet sold with the car ( including stock exhaust system )
- Spoiler R
- front light R
- front 2.0 T braking system
- 2.0T suspension installed ( stock )
- العربيه راشه في الكامل للتعديل و النظافه
- السيستم ماشي ١٥٠،٠٠٠KM معموله صيانه و تغير سيور.
** العربيه حره مش معاقين
للبدل ب Audi A3 hatchback او Golf 7