بوكة الخطوبة او الفرح من اهم تفاصيل العروسة ودي مهمتنا البوكة وتناسقة مع الوان الفستان مش بس كدة كمان مع الكوشة والتفاصيل الصغيرة الي بتغير شكل المكان تمام دي مهمتنا جميع الورود صناعية ودة الميزة انك تحتفظبية للذكرى. . . . . ديما في جديد
متنسي اية كلمنا وحجز. . . . وقلي نفسك في اية
ganna_ahmedabdllah insa
The engagement or wedding bouquet
is one of the most important details of the bride, and this is our mission, the bouquet and its coordination with the colors of the dress, not only that, but also with the couch and the small details that completely change the look of the place, this is our mission. All flowers are artificial, and this is the advantage that you keep them as a memory. . . There is always something new, don't forget anything, call us and book. . . and tell me what you want