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White Retriever - Golden Retriever Imported From Europe 0
135,000 ج.م

White Retriever - Golden Retriever Imported From Europe

الشيخ زايد، الجيزة
منذ 1 شهر
Imported Golden Retrievers - white Retriever From Europe High pedigree golden retriever puppies for sale boy and girl available, ready to move in Fci documents, veterinary passport, full range of vaccinations with international vaccines Dad of the kids: DEL PASSO SZCZESLIWY SLON (Patrick) Brought from Poland , carries the blood of some of the most famous nurseries in the world ( oligarchia, dewmist, fenwood, ashbury, famous family, etc. ) JunRusCh, JunChRkf, ChRus, ChFci Genetic tests: HD-A, ED-0; PRA 1, PRA 2, ICHT - clear! Patrick is a bright representative of the breed and an excellent producer! Mother of the puppies: BLAGOSTY TVORENIE EVSEVIYA LUBIMA VSEMY YA (Eva) She is the daughter of the famous Max (Salandatterra Mister “X” For Stolitsy Urala) Carries the blood of such famous kennels all over the world: salandaterra, ashbury, evidog, golden rose-bay's) JunChRus, JunChRKF, ChRus, ChFci Genetic tests: HD-B, ED-0; PRA 1-clear, PRA 2-carrier, ICHT-clear! Eva is a wonderful mother, with a true golden character, continues her show career. Her children live in different parts of the world ONLY FOR RESPONSIBLE FAMILIES Price : 2600$ egyptdogs . com
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رقم الإعلان 196657402
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