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Ready to move shop 118 meter, 1st floor, For Sale ElSheikhZayed, 50% DP, Zayed Dunes Mall 0
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EGP 10,620,000

Ready to move shop 118 meter, 1st floor, For Sale ElSheikhZayed, 50% DP, Zayed Dunes Mall

Sheikh Zayed, Giza
1 day ago
Area (m²)118
Price TypeNegotiable
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Covered ParkingSecurity
An area of ​​118meters, suitable for commercial, administrative, and medical - the lowest price per square meter, immediate delivery, in Sheikh Zayed, and the offer is valid until 12/15/2024  In Zayed Dunes Mall in the heart of Sheikh Zayed, directly in front of the American School on the main street. . The mall is already ready and operating - all facilities and services are complete, and it has Ezaby Pharmacy - Circle K - and many other places open. Price: 10,620,000 EGP   50% down payment: 5,310,000 EGP and installments over 12 months  Monthly installment: 442,500 EGP  For inquiries and site visit, or WhatsApp: (View phone number) -------------------------------------------------- --------
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