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استلم شقتك ب 30% مقدم وقسط علي 5 سنين 0
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EGP 5,845,000

استلم شقتك ب 30% مقدم وقسط علي 5 سنين

Nyoum October Compound, 6th of October
2 hours ago
Area (m²)107
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusReady
BalconyPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural Gas
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Apartment for sale in Nyoum October Apartment area: 107 m Apartment layout: 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Reception Kitchen Terrace Total amount: 5,845,000 Down payment: 1,755,000 30% down payment and installments over 5 years Nyoum October Compound Location NyoumOctober project is located in a strategic location in the heart of 6th of October City, it is only 5 minutes away from Juhayna Square. The project is a few minutes away from the most important vital landmarks in 6th of October City and is close to the most important main roads in the area. Arab Developers, the real estate developer of Nyoum October Compound project It is a strong real estate company with diversified business in several Arab countries and offers residential projects or compounds and entertainment projects such as resorts. The company has been listed on the Egyptian Stock Exchange since October 2015. The most important projects of Arab Developers: Nyoum Cairo. Nyoum Assiut. Nyoum City of the Future. Nyoum Pyramids. Sea Matrouh Resort. Vast green spaces separate the residential units within Nyoum October Compound. Many international restaurants and cafes. Places designated for children's games. 3 giant malls. A social and sports club that includes a distinctive group of playgrounds. - Cinema complex. A hospital and international medical services. Various swimming pools. Artificial lakes. Shopping centers and hypermarkets. Administrative towers. A 5-star hotel. A dancing fountain. Three international schools. Spa and gym. An area designated for horse riding.
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