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Receive Your Apartment In Emaze Location In Maadi 0
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EGP 3,468,000

Receive Your Apartment In Emaze Location In Maadi

Zahraa Al Maadi, Cairo
6 hours ago
Area (m²)136
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
Built in Kitchen AppliancesPets AllowedElectricity MeterNatural GasLandline
Receive Your Apartment In Emaze Location In Zahraa El Maadi Within 6 Months  Apartment Details: Location: Zahraa Maadi - Wadi Degla Division Size: 136 sqm Payment System: Down payment 35% Rest of the amount: installments over 4 years Site features: Close to all vital services and facilities Easy access to key hubs A privileged location in Zahraa Maadi behind Wadi Degla Club and two minutes from HUB 50 Mall and Fifty Street Very close to Carrefour Maadi Don't miss the opportunity to own a distinctive apartment in one of the best residential locations in Zahraa El Maadi! Al Amrya City  One of the largest real estate brokerage companies in Egypt We have 9 branches across the governorates, and 16 years of experience in the Egyptian real estate market. Our first goal and motto: That the customer receives a safe investment, service and continuous follow-up to promote our slogan "Your Guide to New Cities".  For inquiries and contact: [(View phone number)] Al Amrya City - Your Guide to New Cities
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