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1 / 4
EGP 15,500

The price is offer 48 hours only from Dubai Phone X9B

Maadi, Cairo
5 days ago
Storage256 GB
Battery Capacity(+) 5000 mAH
Price TypeNegotiable
Ad TypeFor Sale
Payment OptionCash
Snapdragon 7 same as Samsung S 103MP camera 50MP front fairy tale photos 12GB RAM 5800 Battery The screen is a protection system against accidents means throwing it on the ground does not interfere with anything Ready to use AAA system and this is a story that monitors your use and adjusts the phone automatically and you can skip the intelligence normally Million pixel LED touchscreen Additional front and rear screen already installed in warranty Accessories Original HD Headset Type C wire original agent 32 amp charger original dealership 2 cases 1 transparent glass plastic shape from the dealer Another case imported from abroad leather and velvet With the box on the serial and with the invoice Additional warranty with two years With a gold membership from Dubai Phone Inclusive (warranty price alone written on the invoice 1600) Change after a year Repair the agent and pay 10% but the cost Dubai Phone or Etisalat Warranty Branches The reason for selling for absolute necessity only please do not contact the brokers to avoid embarrassing anyone and not Separation and I will write a final price I mean the words are clear so no one enters saying strange numbers Thanks in advance
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