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Own a private chalet with installments up to 10 years, first row on the lagoon and 40% cash discount - fully finished in Masyaf - M Square - EL-Masyaf 0
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EGP 8,800,000

Own a private chalet with installments up to 10 years, first row on the lagoon and 40% cash discount - fully finished in Masyaf - M Square - EL-Masyaf

El Masyaf, North Coast
1 week ago
Area (m²)115
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
Built in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenSecuritySea ViewGymPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterElevator
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* Project Name: Marseilia beach 5 . * Project location: Excellent location in The heart of Ras El Hekma area . * Prime Location. * The village is located on one of the most beautiful beaches overlooking the Mediterranean Sea . ____________________________ ** Unit specifications: ** Building area : 115 M + 27 roof .   - 2 bedroom . - 2 bathroom. * Large reception. * Kitchen. ______________________________ ** Services and features:  • security and guard services. . * A boutique hotel offering the finest hotel services. . * Large garages to accommodate all cars. *Periodic cleaning and maintenance services . * International restaurants and cafes providing top-level services. * Places designated for holding barbecue parties. * Clinics and medical centers. * International cultural club. * A large commercial mall. * Language schools, private and international. ___________________________ ** Location: * In kilo 210 Alexandria-Matrouh Road in Ras El Hekma area , one of the best tourist places on the North Coast . - Marseilia Beach 5 is close to Borg El Arab Airport. - 50 minutes from El Alamein Airport. - 60 minutes from Wadi El Natrun Road. - 30 minutes from Dabaa Road. __________________________ ** Total price: - Price: 8,800,000 pounds . - 5% ___________________________ For more information, contact us on:  (View phone number).
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