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I own a 3-bedroom apartment in the capital with a 42% discount on cash or a 10% down payment and installments over 8 years with Excellent Location in 0
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EGP 7,240,999

I own a 3-bedroom apartment in the capital with a 42% discount on cash or a 10% down payment and installments over 8 years with Excellent Location in

New Capital City, Cairo
1 week ago
Area (m²)136
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
Delivery Date2027
Delivery TermSemi Finished
BalconyPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingPets AllowedElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural Gas
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Ramonia, the New Administrative Capital. The Ammonia project is being built on an area of ​​42 acres, and the buildings are 7 floors high, under aesthetic supervision, with a number of up to 1,750 units. It also includes a variety of attractive and commercial recreational services with green spaces, which are more than 80%. of the project area. Unlike other projects in the local market, The Land Developers relies on a different approach in providing new values ​​and relies on high standards in design and implementation of the level of clarity, transparency and vision, focusing on the natural nature, instead of focusing on increasing the details of the works within the project. Location of Armonia Administrative Capital Armonia, the New Administrative Capital, is located in the Golden Square, located in the Administrative Capital, 800 kilometers from the Seventh District and the Diplomatic District, and next to the presidential headquarters. It is one of the best and most prestigious locations ever. It is the best area in the capital and is far from the most important landmarks. In the Administrative Capital, minutes away, the most important of which are: Al-Fattah Al-Aleem Mosque. Opera House. Green River. Financial and business area. City of culture. Capital Airport. Presidential Palace.
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