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Own your unit with the lowest down payment in the largest commercial mall with a gas station in Galala with a down payment of 800 thousand installment 0
EGP 6,445,400

Own your unit with the lowest down payment in the largest commercial mall with a gas station in Galala with a down payment of 800 thousand installment

Ain Sukhna, Suez
4 months ago
Area (m²)69
Payment OptionCash or Installment
best is the real in blue hub a modern and sophisticated commercial mall with a new investment idea and will not be preceded by for the first time a mall that holds a gas station license with a gas station inside it and an electricity charging station. the only gas station on the road where the nearest gas station is 40 km away and the nearest electricity charging station is 60 km away by contracting with the largest fuel companies ola energy to ensure international quality  strategically located on sokhna road directly in the middle of all tourist villages  5 minutes from galala city and 2 minutes from movenpick hotel in a busy area and and fully inhabited the city of galala is built on top of the galala plateau. which is located between ain sokhna and zafarana at an altitude of 700 meters from sea level. with an area of 17.000 acres. the city is full of facilities and services and contains an international medical city. the first olympic village to hold sports events for the state. tourist residential areas and others for low-income people in agreement with the ministry of housing. as well as service areas for the citys residents. the high altitude gives the city the climatic advantage of low temperature. blue hub mall with the latest modern designs that suit all commercial activities from cafes. restaurants. international brands. banks and other commercial activities from the strongest engineering consultant archrete  we are distinguished by the highest continuous traffic. all restaurants and shops are directly on the sea. amazing water lakes. green spaces  landscapes have been allocated for each unit to enjoy the landscape of the sea and mountains and make the most of the distinctive factors of the site commercially and touristically. all units have a back service corridor with a width and a walker with a width overlooking the landsc# - the lowest price per meter in ain sokhna  - spaces starting from 30 meters  to know more details about the project and more inquiries. contact us
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