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Own your unit in Veranda Sahl Hasheesh Resort in the best location in Hurghada with an area of 73m with a 15% down payment for a period of 6 years 0
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EGP 5,525,897

Own your unit in Veranda Sahl Hasheesh Resort in the best location in Hurghada with an area of 73m with a 15% down payment for a period of 6 years

Sahl Hasheesh, Red Sea
2 weeks ago
Area (m²)73
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusOff-plan
Delivery Date2027
Delivery TermFinished
BalconySecurityCovered ParkingPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasElevator
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Veranda is strategically located on the enrapturing SahlHasheesh bay and equipped with a collection of services and amenities that provide an intimate holiday getaway. Project area: 130,000 m2 phase one and two  Unit types available  Studios with terrace or garden , one bedroom apartments with terrace or garden or penthouse , two bedrooms apartments with garden or terrace or penthouse or garden and private pool & villas  Services: Swimming pools Beach access  Gym and spa  Pool bar Restaurant Tennis and football courts Croquet court  Rental department Golf cars Supermarket  Pharmacy Payment plan  15% down payment  85% quarter installments over 6 years  Delivery in 2.5 years Maintenance fees 10% to be paid on delivery Limited time offer 30% discount on cash payment
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