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At the lowest price, receive an immediate chalet, hotel finishing, with the latest finishes, see the sea and Mount Galala, directly in installments, 0
See 11 photos
EGP 8,450,000

At the lowest price, receive an immediate chalet, hotel finishing, with the latest finishes, see the sea and Mount Galala, directly in installments,

La Vista 6, Ain Sukhna
7 hours ago
Area (m²)130
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
Delivery TermFinished
Received in La Vista Village 6, Ain Sokhna, chalet for sale, Sea View Lagoon, “Sea View, on Zaafarana Road” Area (130) meters, 3 rooms, super luxurious finishing, interior division: (3 rooms + 2 bathrooms + reception 2 pieces + open kitchen + terrace) Location: 5 km from Porto Sokhna on Zaafarana Road For inquiries and to visit the site, call me on (View phone number) 1,000,000 is required upon subscription -The wallet is paid in installments over 8 years La Vista Gardens website: It is considered the link between Zaafarana and Ain Sokhna. It is surrounded by the most famous tourist villages and distinguished projects. It is separated from Zaafarana by a distance of twenty-four kilometers. It is fifty-one kilometers away from Ain Sokhna. It is located about ninety-five kilometers near the city of Suez, with the entire area directly overlooking the sea. For WhatsApp / (View phone number) La Vista Village is unique in that it clearly compares to its neighbors with its range of services and benefits including: Available comfort and tranquility. The real estate developer who owns the project is keen to distribute water bodies, including swimming pools, artificial lakes, and waterfalls throughout the region. Gym spa. The elegant company created the dancing fountain in the middle of La Vista North Coast Resort, which can be seen from all residential units, which means that all residential units enjoy unparalleled views. Residential units for lands, sizes and prices.
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