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At the old price, an apartment with an area of ​​130 square meters in Taj City Compound on the Ring Road and Cairo Road 0
See 10 photos
EGP 5,000,000

At the old price, an apartment with an area of ​​130 square meters in Taj City Compound on the Ring Road and Cairo Road

Taj City Compound, New Cairo
6 hours ago
Area (m²)130
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
BalconyBuilt in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenSecurityElectricity Meter
Apartment for sale in Taj City Compound in front of Cairo International Airport In a distinctive location: directly on the Ring Road and Cairo-Suez Road, which facilitates transportation to different parts of Cairo Area: 130 meters (3 rooms (1 master), 2 bathrooms, kitchen, reception, terrace) Double View: landscape & Lake Installment over the longest repayment period For inquiries and communication: (View phone number) For the installment schedule and divisions: Click WhatsApp " Facilities and services: Swimming pools, gyms, and social clubs Recreational areas for children Green spaces and natural landscapes inside the compound
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