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258m² resale Townhouse in District 5 Compound at the lowest price in the market 0
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EGP 22,500,000

258m² resale Townhouse in District 5 Compound at the lowest price in the market

District 5 Compound Compound, New Cairo
5 hours ago
TypeTown House
Area (m²)258
Price TypeNegotiable
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Private GardenSecurityCovered ParkingMaids RoomPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Middle Townhouse in District 5 Downpayment and Installments  Area 258 m 3 rooms 3  4 bathrooms Immediate delivery  Total price 22,500,000 negotiable for the necessity of sale About DISTRICT 5 District 5 Marakez is an all-in-one destination created to cater to all your needs. This high-end project was developed by the well-known Marakez Development Company to be a unique mixed-use project. The project rolls over a land area of 200 acres of land in New Cairo. The Live Journey is about the residential spaces in District 5. The Play journey is about the leisure activities and kids’ area. While the Grow journey is about mental and physical wellness and health. The Shop journey is what its name indicates- for shopping lovers. Finally, the Work journey is the administrative zone with productivity boasting offices. And the largest shopping places for shopping lovers, there is the famous District 5 Mall, which includes the largest international and local brands.
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