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TOWN HOUSE FOR SALE  185 M Mostakbal city Tatweer Misr 0
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EGP 16,500,000

TOWN HOUSE FOR SALE 185 M Mostakbal city Tatweer Misr

Bloomfields, Mostakbal City
4 hours ago
TypeTown House
Area (m²)185
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusOff-plan
Delivery Date2028
Delivery TermCore & Shell
Built in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenCentral A/C & heatingSecuritySea ViewGymPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterElevator
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The wait is finally over for Tatweer Misr's new land in Mostakbal City, opportunities doesn't come twice make sure you don't miss this 100 acres land that is exclusively single families only Starting prices - Town Middle 165 + roof 16.5 M - Town Corner 185 + roof 18.5M - Twinhouse 185 + roof 21.5M - Villa 210 + roof 27.5 M -Starting collecting EOIs 150K collectable cheques or transfers  Different set of Payment plans: - Option 1: 5% DP  8 years payment plan  - Option 2: 5% DP 5% after 3 months 9 years payment plan - Option 3: 10% DP 10 years payment
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