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Twin house, 393 m, with a swimming pool, Owest Compound, on the boards, direct, in installments 0
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EGP 5,550,000

Twin house, 393 m, with a swimming pool, Owest Compound, on the boards, direct, in installments

O West Compound, 6th of October
3 days ago
TypeTwin House
Area (m²)393
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusOff-plan
Private GardenCovered ParkingElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Own a 393m twin house in Owest Compound in installments A compound on an area of ​​1000 acres, you will find all the services you need There is a sports club on an area of ​​50 acres There is a complete and comprehensive administrative and medical area extending over An area of ​​21 acres. There are wide paths for walking, jogging and cycling There is a hotel and a boutique hotel. A gym and spa are available. There are 4 international schools 1. Saxony international school 2. Kent’s collage 3. BCCI, British Columbia Canadian international school 4. NIS (Nermeen Ismaiel School Location: OWest Compound is located in the heart of the city directly on the Oasis Road, as it is located on some main axes (Oasis - Dahshur Link - 26th of July Axis) * 2 minutes from Mall of Egypt * 5 minutes from Mall of Arabia * 10 minutes to the Pyramids * 15 minutes from the new October Airport There are installments to be completed For inspection (View phone number)
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