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Twin House 289m for sale fully finished with air conditioning and furniture 3 bedrooms with a view of a direct swimming pool in Azha Ain Sokhna 0
See 11 photos
EGP 14,750,000

Twin House 289m for sale fully finished with air conditioning and furniture 3 bedrooms with a view of a direct swimming pool in Azha Ain Sokhna

Azha, Ain Sukhna
3 days ago
TypeTwin House
Area (m²)289
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Azha Sokhna  Twin house For sale Land : 289 m  Bua : 145 m  3 bedrooms  3 bathrooms  Premium pool set Fully finished with furniture & Acs Total price: 14,750,000 ---------------------------------------------------- Azha Ain Sokhna Resort is characterized by distinctive and luxurious geometric designs that have been implemented at the highest level to suit all tastes and also provide all the tourist services that work to serve you during the vacation period, where it is one of the best and finest places to visit in Ain El Sokhna where you enjoy Azha El Sokhna village with well-being and tranquility, the entire village is built on an area of 380 acres divided between buildings, services and facilities where the percentage of buildings is about 18% and the remaining area is distributed to services, swimming pools, and crystal lagoon as it has a beach with a width of 700 meters as well as it is the first project to be implemented in Ain Sokhna at the highest level as it is considered an integrated residential compound ---------------------------------------------------- For more information: Mohamed Gamil
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