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Luxurious duplex at city oval new capital city-installments over 10yrs 0
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EGP 7,800,000

Luxurious duplex at city oval new capital city-installments over 10yrs

City Oval, New Capital City
9 hours ago
Area (m²)240
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
BalconyBuilt in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenGymPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterElevator
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Book now and reserve your duplex in (City Ovel) Compound in (R8) area 240m+32m 4 bedroom Down payment starting from 10% equal installments up to 10 years The compound is in a very distinctive location and a unique strategic location in the center of the Administrative Capital: * City Ovel, the Administrative Capital, is located 5 minutes from the Green River * The project is a short distance from the embassy district. * The compound is easily accessible from the Mosque of Egypt. * City Oval project separates the New Administrative Capital from the Capital Airport only 10 minutes. . * The compound is the second piece of the investors area, facing the (R8) * The compound has a double view on two service areas and a garden City Oval Compound project in the New Administrative Capital is one of the leading urban projects, as it is characterized by a wide range of advantages and services: • 77.5% of the landscape and vast green spaces and areas for entertainment and relaxation, providing a quiet and comfortable environment for residents * A dedicated path for cycling and walking * A shopping center on an area of ​​​​10,000 meters * A private club for the compound on an area of ​​​​3,000 meters * A private squash court * Places designated for yoga * Reading capsules * Security and surveillance around the clock, seven days a week (to ensure the highest levels of comfort and safety for residents). * A designated area for children * An indoor and outdoor swimming pool * 2 elevators in each building * Underground parking (to provide space in front of the buildings)
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