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Sky apartment in Carmel Sodic New Zayed Compound, area 245 square meters, in front of Sphinx Airport 0
See 6 photos
EGP 12,736,000

Sky apartment in Carmel Sodic New Zayed Compound, area 245 square meters, in front of Sphinx Airport

Karmell Compound, Sheikh Zayed
2 weeks ago
TypeTown House
Area (m²)245
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Sky House in Carmel Sodic New Zayed Compound, area 245 square meters, in front of Sphinx Airport Super deluxe finishing Less than the company's current price by 10,000,000 Down payment 3,250,000 Prime location Sodic Real Estate Company, which owns Carmel Sodic Sheikh Zayed Compound, has allocated a distinctive plot of land in the heart of the Golden Square area, with a huge area of ​​about 240 acres. In addition to the presence of vast areas of green spaces and gardens with colorful flowers and roses that decorate the project and increase its beauty and elegance. The design of the new Carmel Sodic Zayed project also included one of the finest international urban planning. This has always been the company's focus in designing and planning its previous projects. In addition to the luxurious design of the project, inside and out.
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