الوحده : شاليه بجاردن
المساحه :126م +156 جاردن
7% واقساط تصل الي 7سنوات
موقع كالي كوست مميز للغاية و فريد فهو من اختيار الشركة و ذلك حرصا منه على اختيار افضل موقع حتى تتميز بمشروعها من اول الموقع و الخدمات و المساحات و الاسعار و قد جعلت القرية فى قلب الساحل الشمالي بموقع حيوية مقرب من مناطق كثيره و يقع المشروع بالساحل الشمالي فى الكليو 198 طريق اسكندرية مطروح .
كما تقع قرية كالى كوست بالقرب من اميز قري مثل جيفيرا و سوديك ولافيستا باي و جايا و ماونتن فيو و مراسى و فوكا و
هى ايضا قريب من خليج راس
Cali Coast North Coast Cali Coast north coast It is the village that everyone talks about since it was announced by the company that owns it, and it is a new and distinctive edifice in the real estate world in the heart of the northern coast, located in Ras al-Hikma Bay, and the company was keen to choose the distinguished location for it and She was distinguished by that and made her project the first of its kind.
Unit: a chalet with a garden
Area: 126 square meters + 156 gardens
7% and installments up to 7 years
The Kali Coast site is very special and unique, as it was chosen by the company, in order to choose the best site in order to distinguish its project from the beginning. The location, services, spaces and prices have made the village in the heart of the North Coast a vital location close to many areas. In Klio 198, Alexandria Matrouh Road.
The village of Cali Coast is also located near excellent villages such as Jefaira, Sodic, La Vista Bay, Gaia, Mountain View, MarasFouka and
It is also close to Ras Bay