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Chalet Very Special Ground Garden in the North Coast on an area of 275m 0
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EGP 19,000,000

Chalet Very Special Ground Garden in the North Coast on an area of 275m

North Coast, Matruh
17 hours ago
Area (m²)275
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusReady
Built in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenSecurityGymPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterElevator
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Description: Saada North Coast Project Developer: Horizon Egypt for Urban Development Built-up Area: 135 m Park area: 140 meters 3 bedrooms 3 Bathrooms on Lagoon Direct Features: a vital area of the north coast in the Ras al-Hakma region, so you can reach the most famous area of the north coast, Easy access from the resort to Alexandria Desert Road. In addition to the proximity of the new Fuka Road to Sahara Sahel Resort. Within a short period of time you can reach the city of Dhaba. Besides the famous Sidi Hanish area near the Ras al-Hakma area where the project is located. Services: Various swimming pools for different ages Commercial Area Gym Restaurants and cafés 24-hour security and security Grajat Generators Surveillance cameras Solar Panels
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