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An apartment with a down payment of only one million pounds and the rest in interest-free installments in El Patio Sola 0
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EGP 17,980,000

An apartment with a down payment of only one million pounds and the rest in interest-free installments in El Patio Sola

El Patio Sola, Shorouk City
8 hours ago
Area (m²)300
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusOff-plan
Private GardenCovered ParkingPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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An apartment with a down payment of only one million pounds and the rest in interest-free installments in El Patio Sola - an integrated compound with all basic and entertainment services The area of ​​the compound reaches 42 acres, divided between residential units, commercial areas, and green spaces -Entertainment areas for children, swimming pools - Kids Area -Distinctive location near the new capital -Near the ring road Area: 300 m *Internal division using every meter 4 bedrooms 4 bathroom *Semi finished *Instalments up to 7 years *Receipt 2028 Price: 17,980,000 Down payment: 1,798,000 Contact: (View phone number) The developing company made every effort to present El Patio Sola Shorouk Compound with the latest modern designs. It also employed the best group of creative companies and engineers in the field of architectural design, as it developed the project in the luxurious European style. Which combines all possible methods of comfort and tranquility, and it also provided many green spaces, as well as the best bodies of water, which made the project catch the attention of all customers and investors from the beginning of its construction.
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