Apartment for rent in Gardenia Heights 3, Third Settlement, New Cairo
Unit type: Apartment
Unit category: Rent
Unit area: 140 meters
Number of floors: 2
Unit division from the inside
Number of rooms: 2 rooms
Number of halls: Reception
Number of bathrooms: Bathroom
Number of balconies: Balcony
Kitchen: Kitchen
Finishing type: Super Lux
Unit price: 8,000
(AS-461): To inquire about the unit, reference number
For viewing, call T: (View phone number)/ (View phone number)
Unit features: Wide street, garden view, close to services, close to malls
Nearest location to the unit: Gardenia Heights 3, Mohamed Naguib Axis, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Horia Selim Mosque, Third Settlement, New Cairo