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Apartment for sale in the garden, immediate receipt, in the most prestigious location in the Fifth Settlement, and a 9% cash discount 0
See 9 photos
EGP 9,425,000

Apartment for sale in the garden, immediate receipt, in the most prestigious location in the Fifth Settlement, and a 9% cash discount

5th Settlement, New Cairo
9 hours ago
Area (m²)201
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Delivery Date10
Delivery TermFinished
BalconyPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingPoolElectricity MeterWater Meter
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The company is keen to use the latest international designs in order to launch its various projects in order to receive favor from investors and attract all attention to it. The company also paid attention to the interior designs of its projects to come up with the best and latest decorations that express luxury and sophistication Providing a variety of project areas and prices with various payment and installment systems for the convenience of customers Delivering all units on the specified dates due to the company’s keenness to implement a good, sustainable relationship with various customers and build a relationship of trust between them The company also has a team of workers who are keen to provide luxurious integrated communities In addition to the hospitals that come with the latest equipment and the most skilled doctors trained at the highest levels It presented the Address 1 and 2 project, which is one of the most prestigious compounds And also the Engineers Gardens project And Zayed Heights Compound Government and public buildings that come with the best modern integrated services It also presented the Zayed 2000 project, which is the largest and most important project in its region And also The Court Yard Sheikh Zayed project Dorra Compound in Sheikh Zayed
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