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Apartment for sale, fully finished, immediate receipt, with a private garden, in a very special location in the Ninety Avenue Compound, Fifth Settleme 0
EGP 15,279,334

Apartment for sale, fully finished, immediate receipt, with a private garden, in a very special location in the Ninety Avenue Compound, Fifth Settleme

90 Avenue Compound, New Cairo
1 month ago
Area (m²)182
Payment OptionCash or Installment
BalconyBuilt in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenCentral A/C & heatingSecurityCovered ParkingMaids RoomPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Apartment for sale, fully finished, immediate receipt, with a private garden, in a very special location in the Ninety Avenue Compound, Fifth Settlement.   Area: 182 square meters  (4 rooms + 3 bathrooms + reception + living room) The compound is full of services and facilities Green spaces, artificial lakes Commercial stores, supermarkets, medical clinics and pharmacies Places for walking, running and cycling on special paths There are a large number of restaurants and cafes the site: New Cairo directly on the main 90th Street The American University and the University of the Future Now you can own your unit with the best payment systems and benefit from the project’s services and benefits  With a down payment of 7 million and 640 thousand  Without any interest or commissions Leave a message for details
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