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Rtm 3 BR Furnished + Ac's Apt Sarai 3rd Floor 0
EGP 6,500,000

Rtm 3 BR Furnished + Ac's Apt Sarai 3rd Floor

Sarai, Mostakbal City
3 months ago
Area (m²)165
Payment OptionCash
Developer: MNHD Project: Sarai Compound Apartment 165 meters 3 rooms 3 bathrooms Dressing Room Super lux finishing   Furnished with Ac's Landmarks of Sarai Compound The largest lake in Cairo: Madinet Misr established the largest lake in Cairo in its Sarai project, which extended over an area of 500,000 square meters, around which a large amount of restaurants and various cafes spread, unlike many different shops. Sports Club: The developer of the Saray project was keen to create an integrated world that cares about all aspects of your life. The sports club included many sports activities that you can do with ease, ranging from water activities, equipped gyms at the highest levels, in addition to football, hand and basketball fields. Luxury services: Madinet Misr Housing and Development Company has cooperated with world-renowned hotels to ensure the availability of distinguished services and facilities to its customers, through which it offers an exceptional experience similar to the most important and most distinguished and comfortable hotels. Various restaurants: Saray Compound has a large amount of different restaurants that take you on a fun tasting trip around the world, so that you can choose from different international cuisines. Sarai Mall: Sarai Mall was established to meet the various needs of people, from simple daily needs, to the most important shops that include the most prominent international and local brands. About the new Cairo secret Sarai New Cairo Compound was developed by the City of Egypt Company, which was formerly called "Madinet Masr for Housing and Development", which is one of the largest leading companies in the Egyptian real estate market, so the project was established on a large area of 5.5 million square meters.
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