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An apartment with garden fully finished for 474,900 2bedroom in Balm Hills compound Badya remaining amount in installments 0
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EGP 9,498,002

An apartment with garden fully finished for 474,900 2bedroom in Balm Hills compound Badya remaining amount in installments

Badya Palm Hills Compound, 6th of October
3 days ago
Area (m²)111
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Badya Palm Hills is not just a collection of buildings it is a smart city that utilizes technology to enhance quality of life. This OFFER is available for a LIMITED time ******** FULLY FINISHED ********* Open view unit BUA 111 m garden 25 m 2 bedrooms 2bath rooms Different units Fair prices ********** The features include electronic gates that operate with eye scans ensuring security and comfort for residents. Badya Palm Hills October Project is one of the massive projects covering an area of 3000 acres and consisting of 6 residential neighborhoods, addition to using solar energy systems to generate electricity and significantly reduce water consumption Badya Palm Hills’ location in New October is unique due to its prime position in one of Egypt’s best areas. The project is located near vital areas and important main roads ensuring peace and comfort throughout the day without external noise disturbances
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