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Furnished apartment for rent in Al Rehab City compound, 90m near the old market in the First Settlement 0
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EGP 23,000

Furnished apartment for rent in Al Rehab City compound, 90m near the old market in the First Settlement

Rehab City Compound, New Cairo
16 hours ago
Rental FrequencyMonthly
Area (m²)90
Built in Kitchen AppliancesSecurityPets AllowedElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Furnished apartment available for rent Al-Rehab 1 Near the old market Area 90 sqm It consists of 2 bedrooms Reception And a kitchen And a bathroom Equipped with air conditioners Fully modern furniture Special finishes Distinctive website for services Adjacent to restaurants and cafes For quick rental Huda (View phone number) https://wa. me/(View phone number)#(+2(View phone number) AL-MONGEZ Real Estate Services Company We have residential and administrative units in: (rehab city _ the village _ madinty _ porto new cairo _ the village gate _mivida_mountain view) Al-Rehab City website Al-Rehab City is one of the famous residential neighborhoods located in New Cairo, 20 minutes from the center of Cairo through the First Ring Road intersecting with the Suez-Cairo Road. It is also located 10 minutes from Heliopolis. Details about Al-Rehab neighborhood There is no doubt that Al-Rehab is one of the first integrated service cities in New Cairo, as it is a unique residential experience due to the beauty of its location and unique designs, in addition to containing all the services that individuals need and the services of the Al-Rehab neighborhood. Services and commercial centers The city has large commercial markets, an administrative office building, medical centers, and commercial and administrative malls
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