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Apartments for sale in Fayoum, very special, Isola Sheraton, immediate delivery, area 170 square meters 0
See 18 photos
EGP 9,820,000

Apartments for sale in Fayoum, very special, Isola Sheraton, immediate delivery, area 170 square meters

Sheraton, Cairo
14 hours ago
Area (m²)170
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Built in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenCovered ParkingPets AllowedPoolElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Apartment for sale with a very distinctive view,isola Sheraton, immediate delivery Area 170 meters Consists of 3 rooms 2 bathrooms Sheraton is the first Gated compound in Sheraton on an area of ​​45 acres consisting of townhouse villas and residential apartments with a mega strip mall 1.5 kilometers long along Al-Sa'eqa Street (commercial - administrative - medical) Because it is distinguished by its strategic location in the heart of Sheraton Heliopolis - And directly on Al-Sa'eqa Road in front of the Border Guard Club in a very vital street - Location advantages It is a few steps away from the Suez Road and the Autostrad Road, and among the most important tourist attractions next to it are Cairo Airport, Al-Ahly Club, Wadi Dagla Club and City Center Al-Maza It is also about 5 minutes away from New Cairo And the administrative capital is about 20 minutes A very respectable work history on the ground The first fully serviced residential compound in Sheraton Al Omariya City is one of the largest real estate brokerage companies in Egypt. We have 9 branches across the governorates. We have 16 years of experience in the Egyptian real estate market. Our first goal and slogan is for the customer to obtain a safe investment, service and continuous follow-up to enhance our slogan "Your Guide to New Cities" We have always sought to live up to our customers' expectations and gain their trust, because we consider our customers our most important assets
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