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Apartment for sale, 190 m, ground floor, with a garden, in the best place in October, the 9th district 0
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EGP 3,300,000

Apartment for sale, 190 m, ground floor, with a garden, in the best place in October, the 9th district

9th District, 6th of October
2 weeks ago
Area (m²)190
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusOff-plan
Delivery Date2025
Delivery TermNot Finished
BalconyPrivate GardenSecurityCovered ParkingPets AllowedElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandlineElevator
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Live with your family in the most prestigious residential neighborhoods in 6th October City, Ninth District, and pay installments over 36 months without interest. Your 190 sqm apartment consists of: garden 130m - 3 bedrooms, including a master room (bathroom + dressing room) - 3 bathrooms - Living room - Reception 3 pieces - Spacious kitchen - balcony At a price of 3,300,000, in installments over 36 months without interest Enjoy a very special location, as the building is located near: - Plot B, Ninth District Villas The buildings in this plot are characterized by having 3 floors, meaning there will not be a large population density in the building, and your privacy will be preserved. - 3 minutes from Hosary Square - Close to a full service area - Close to Al Morshedy markets - Close to Cityscape - Close to medical, administrative and residential towers - It overlooks a main street 52 meters wide The plot of land is also distinguished by the fact that it contains all the facilities (natural gas, internet, water connections, electricity cables). This means that once you receive your apartment, you can live in it for the second day For more details and information, contact us via phone or WhatsApp on (View phone number)
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