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Pharmacy for sale 108 m, special price, Ray West, Rayhana Company, main street, 26th of July Axis, October 0
See 10 photos
EGP 29,160,000

Pharmacy for sale 108 m, special price, Ray West, Rayhana Company, main street, 26th of July Axis, October

Ray West, 6th of October
1 day ago
Area (m²)107
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusOff-plan
Delivery Date2027
Covered ParkingSecurityStorage
Ray West Mall by Rayhana Real Estate Development Company Pharmacy in RayWest Project Location? July 26th Axis… means guaranteed success Pharmacy 108m Total price = 29,160,000 10% DP = 2,916,000 Quarterly = 1,093,500 6 years Equal installments 15% DP = 4,374,000 Quarterly = 885,214 7 years equal installments 20% DP = 5,832,000 Quarterly = 729,000 8 years equal installments Delivery 3 years Rehana Real Estate Development Company Rehana Real Estate Development Company is one of the emerging real estate companies in the field of real estate development, as it entered the Egyptian market in 2023 after its success in many projects outside Egypt in 13 other countries, after which it entered the Egyptian market to be headquartered in West Cairo, as the company has more than 40 years of experience in the field of real estate development The company seeks to contribute to the growth and prosperity of the Egyptian real estate sector, and to benefit from recent developments and our extensive experience in projects implemented abroad, as the company is building its first commercial mall on the 26th of July Axis to be its first project in Egypt. Ray West Mall Location The mall is distinguished by its strategic location chosen by the company for it in West Cairo, as the project is distinguished by being the largest facade on the 26th of July Axis, and the mall is next to the largest upscale residential neighborhoods and is located near Wadi Degla Club and near Gamal Abdel Nasser Axis, as its location is distinguished by the presence of many different facilities and services, and to make the mall easy to reach from several different areas. Places near the mall - Minutes from Mall of Arabia. - Minutes from Wadi Degla Club. - Minutes from Al-Hosary Mosque. Ray West Mall Services and Facilities - Cafes and restaurants. - Car garages. - Gardens and green spaces. - Central air conditioning inside the mall. - Escalators and electric elevators. - Fire extinguishing systems and electric generators. -Security services and surveillance cameras 24 hours a day. Ray West Mall Payment Plans -Pay 10% down payment with the rest paid over 6 years. -Pay 15% down payment with the rest paid over 7 years. -Pay 20% down payment with the rest paid over 8 years.
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