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An apartment with immediate receipt and rent for one dollar per month, Pamez Location, in the Fifth Settlement, in front of the American University 0
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EGP 15,000,000

An apartment with immediate receipt and rent for one dollar per month, Pamez Location, in the Fifth Settlement, in front of the American University

5th Settlement, New Cairo
2 days ago
Area (m²)175
Payment OptionCash
Completion statusReady
Delivery TermFinished
Built in Kitchen AppliancesPrivate GardenCentral A/C & heatingSecurityCovered ParkingMaids RoomPets AllowedElectricity MeterWater MeterNatural GasLandline
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Midtown Fifth Settlement Compound offers the true meaning of sophistication and luxury of life, on the land of New Cairo, where the project has its own elegance, indicating extreme sophistication in terms of; Its exterior and interior design, in addition to the fact that the compound is located in the most distinguished areas of New Cairo, the most vibrant and full of distinguished landmarks, and services that cover all aspects of life. Perhaps this is not new for the real estate development company Better Home, when it takes responsibility for a huge investment project, such as the Midtown New Cairo project, which is filled with the advantages that everyone who seeks a distinguished life that suits the spirit of the times desires. Location of Midtown Compound, Fifth Settlement Midtown Fifth Settlement is located in front of Gate No. 4 of the American University, and thus it is two minutes close to the main 90th Street, which is distinguished by its high-end services, entertainment activities, and distinctive landmarks, in addition to the compound’s proximity to the capital, Cairo, which is full of services and vitality. But the compound is completely away from sources of pollution and noise, and thus the real estate developer, Emir, provided an area in the city of New Cairo, which is close to the most important new cities, and perhaps the most prominent of them is the New Administrative Capital, with all its cultural aspects, that has crossed the time barrier to come from the future.
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