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For sale, a 91-square-meter chalet at the old price for a quick sale in Gaia, North Coast, first floor, two rooms 0
See 19 photos
EGP 5,466,800

For sale, a 91-square-meter chalet at the old price for a quick sale in Gaia, North Coast, first floor, two rooms

Gaia, North Coast
3 days ago
Area (m²)91
Payment OptionInstallment
Completion statusOff-plan
Private GardenSea ViewElectricity MeterWater Meter
Gaia North Coast Chalet 91 meters (2 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms) First floor Finished, delivery 2027 Back view Required down payment: 2,500,000 including real estate transactions Remaining amount: 2,966,800 installments with the company until 2031 Maintenance deposit: 351,300 Gaia North Coast Village is one of the most important coastal projects in recent times, as the village includes a great integration of basic services and various entertainment facilities, in addition to the village being developed by one of the most important real estate companies, which is Al-Ahly Sabbour Real Estate Development Company, which offers very distinguished projects with attention to accuracy in implementation. The village enjoys a strategic location on the North Coast characterized by tranquility in addition to the village being located directly in front of the sea, which in turn gives the units a charming view, and the village was implemented on a huge area that allowed the availability of many services and picturesque green spaces in addition to providing multiple types of units with various areas, thus providing various customer needs. Through its Gaia North Coast project and other recent projects, the company aimed to achieve sales volume exceeding 11 billion Egyptian pounds during the year 2023. The company excelled in achieving its goal, and a large number of clients who trusted the company and its projects have already been contracted, and more than 4,000 units have been delivered during the year.
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