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EGP 4,500

لينس جديده نيكون Nikon lens 70-300

Madinaty, Cairo
5 hours ago
لسرعه البيع Nikon lens 70-300 Brand Nikon Focal Length Description 70-300 millimeters Lens Type Telephoto Compatible Camera MountNikon F Camera Lens Description300 millimeters Maximum Focal Length300 F-mount lens/DX formatfilter-attachment size: 58mm, (p = 075 mm) Maximum Reproduction Ratio: 0.22x. 105-450Mm (35mm equivalent) Aperture range: f/45-63 to F/32 Nikon VR image stabilization. Access Lens settings in camera menu The number of cameras Compatible with both lenses is limited even for compatible cameras, firmware update may be required* Fully compatible Models: D7500, D5600, D5500, D5300*, D3400, D3300*, D500 and later models Compatible Models with limited functions: D5, D810 series, DF, D750, D7200, D7100, D5200, Nikon 1 Series with the ft1 Incompatible models: D4 series, D3 series, D2 series, D1 series, D800 series, D700, D610, D600, D300 series, D200, D100, D7000, D5100, D5000, D90, D80, D70 series, D3200, D3100, D3000, D60, D50, D40 series, film cameras Compact and lightweight, DX-format compatible, 4.3x telephoto zoom lens with 70-300mm focal-length range and f/4.5-6.3 maximum aperture One ED glass element is employed to achieve satisfactory optical performance for any user, resulting in high-quality images with minimal lens aberrations
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