Do not pay any installments until you receive it.
The strongest investment + the strongest administrative office, finished with air conditioners, in a very distinguished location (in front of the main palace).
Near the Green River, which is the largest and most important recreational and vital location in the heart of the capital.
A very special 57m office in the financial and business district
Second floor, Plaza view
Total 7,265,220
40% down payment = 2,906,088
First installment after receipt
Instalments will be for a period of 7 years after receipt
It will be every 3 months
Another payment system is available that completely changes the total price
30% down payment system, 25% discount and installments for 4 years and the down payment will be from the unit after the discount
Total after the discount = 5,448,750
To send details and explanations, do not hesitate to contact: (View phone number)