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Shop for sale, immediate receipt, in the largest commercial mall in the Fifth Settlement, Sway Mall, on Mohamed Naguib Daqaq axis, from the American U 0
See 11 photos
EGP 14,520,000

Shop for sale, immediate receipt, in the largest commercial mall in the Fifth Settlement, Sway Mall, on Mohamed Naguib Daqaq axis, from the American U

5th Settlement, New Cairo
6 hours ago
Area (m²)87
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Air ConditioningCovered ParkingSecurity
Shop for sale, immediate receipt, in Sway Mall, Fifth Settlement Sway Mall New Cairo From Rabat Real Estate Development Company The mall has a distinctive investment location with a frontage of 145 meters Directly on Muhammad Naguib axis, making it easy to reach from anywhere very quickly Close to the American University, Cairo Airport, the Ring Road, Gamal Abdel Nasser Corridor, Cairo Festival, the New Administrative Capital, Nasr City, the Fifth Settlement, 90th Street, and Al-Shorouk. 33% down payment required And interest-free installments over the longest repayment period For details and inspection, call us on (View phone number) Mobile & WhatsApp
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