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مطلوب للتعين سيلز عقارات شباب و بنات

6th of October, Giza
3 days ago
Experience Level1-3 Years
Education LevelBachelors Degree
Employment TypeFull-time
Sales TypeField Sales
User TypeEmployer
A large real estate development is hiring both male and female real estate salespeople. We are looking for: 1- Fresh Sales Candidates with at least 6 months of experience. 2- Junior Sales Candidates with at least 1 year of experience. 3- Senior Sales Candidates with at least 2 years of experience. Age: 23 to 30 years old Working hours: 10 AM to 6 PM Day off: Friday Benefits: Laptop, SIM card, mobile phone, fresh leads Fixed Salary and Attractive Commissions Location: 6th of October City please send your updated CV via WhatsApp: (View phone number) مطلوب للتعين سيلز عقارات شباب و بنات تعلن شركه عقارات كبري لـ احتياجها عن سيلز عقارات فريش خبره لا تقل عن 6 شهور او خبره سنه علي الاقل السن : من 23 سنه لـ 30 سنه مواعيد العمل من 10 ص لـ 6 م الاجازه : الجمعه benefits: laptop- sim card- mobile- fresh leads للتواصل و ارسال السيره الذاتيه علي رقم : (View phone number)
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