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Office for rent, administrative, inside an administrative mall in the Fifth Settlement, court services 0
EGP 33,000

Office for rent, administrative, inside an administrative mall in the Fifth Settlement, court services

5th Settlement, New Cairo
1 month ago
TypeOffice Space
Area (m²)96
Covered ParkingSecurity
Office for rent, administrative, inside an administrative mall in the Fifth Settlement, court services 96 m First floor Unfurnished Elevator Super Lux Price 33,000 thousand per month There are transportation services next to the administrative mall Take a microbus from the Tenth Station. There is a Tenth Station near the Ring Road. Located in the Suez Bridge area. Take a microbus from the Monib Station. It is located in Giza and takes you to the Tagamoa line to the gas. Take a microbus from the Tenth District It is located in Zahraa Nasr City. It can go to the Tagamoa from the first to the fifth district. Take a microbus from Maadi. Via the Maadi Autostrad. After a distance, there is a gas station in front of it, several cars take you to the Tagamoa. Take a microbus from Saqr Quraish. It passes by Sayeda Aisha Road directly to the Fifth Settlement. 96 m First floor Unfurnished Elevator Super Lux Price 33,000 thousand per month There are transportation services next to the administrative mall Take a microbus from the Tenth Station. There is a Tenth Station near the Ring Road. Located in the Suez Bridge area. Take a microbus from the Monib Station. It is located in Giza and takes you to the Tagamoa line to the gas. Take a microbus from the Tenth District It is located in Zahraa Nasr City. It can go to the Tagamoa from the first to the fifth district. Take a microbus from Maadi. Via the Maadi Autostrad. After a distance, there is a gas station in front of it, several cars take you to the Tagamoa. Take a microbus from Saqr Quraish. It passes by Sayeda Aisha Road directly to the Fifth Settlement.
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