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110 meters + commercial store for sale in the heart of Al-Rehab, in front of El Patio and Golden Heights, near Gate 9 of Al-Rehab 0
See 14 photos
EGP 20,000,000

110 meters + commercial store for sale in the heart of Al-Rehab, in front of El Patio and Golden Heights, near Gate 9 of Al-Rehab

Rehab City Compound, New Cairo
2 weeks ago
Area (m²)58
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Air ConditioningCovered ParkingSecurityStorage
110 mitr + mahalun tijariun lilbaye fi qalb alrihab amam albatiu wajuldin hayits bialqurb min biwabih 9 alrihab alsharkah almutawiruh : sharkuh alribat nawe almul mija mul eali misahat 30 alf mitr aistilam qarib alsharkah almutawaruh liha mawlat wamutasalimuh eali ard alwaqie washighaluh tuqadir taeayunaha alluwkishn fi qalb alrahaab biufrlik aeili tirafik tafasil aleaqar : mahalun tijariun aldawr alardiu eali alwajiha misahuh almuhalu : 59 mitr misahuh kharijih : 110 mitr bialqurb min albalaza khadamat almul shashat aelanih bawaabat alkitrunih tughatiyh aminih masaeid kahrabayiyh salalim kahrabayiyh kidz arya sayastim kamil lilmuraqibih matlub kash : 3 milyun walbaqi taqsit liltawasul : (View phone number)   110 meters + commercial store for sale in the heart of Al-Rehab, in front of El Patio and Golden Heights, near Gate 9 of Al-Rehab Developing company: Rabat Company Mall type: Mega Mall, with an area of ​​30,000 square metres Delivery soon The developed company has malls and is in operation on the ground, and you can inspect it The location in the heart of Al-Rehab provides you with the highest traffic Property details: Commercial store ground floor On the facade Shop area: 59 square metres Outdoor area: 110 meters Near the plaza Mall services Advertising screens Electronic portals Security coverage Electric elevators Escalators Kids Area A complete monitoring system Cash required: 3 million and the rest in installments To contact: (View phone number)
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Ad id 500957961
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