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200 sqm apartment for rent furnished in New Cairo city, prime location for immediate residence 0
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EGP 70,000

200 sqm apartment for rent furnished in New Cairo city, prime location for immediate residence

Madinaty, Cairo
5 hours ago
Rental FrequencyMonthly
Area (m²)200
Built in Kitchen AppliancesElectricity MeterWater Meter
Apartment for rent furnished in Madinaty b12 Area 200 meters 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms Special finishes Fourth floor Wide garden view Distinguished location Next to services To communicate (View phone number) JEDAR Real Estate Services Company. . - We have residential units in: (rehab city _ madinty cairo Privado project inside Madinaty Compound, Madinaty is a project in the east of Cairo, the Egyptian capital, by the Egyptian Talaat Moustafa Real Estate Group. Construction began in July 2006, and the project has several phases, and the first residential phase was completed in 2013. The project was built on an area of ​​​​8 thousand acres, or 33.6 million square meters, and it is expected to be inhabited by about 600 thousand
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