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6 months male cat for adoption

Nasr City, Cairo
3 hours ago
Price TypeFor Adoption
AgeLess than a year
القط دا لقيته في التجمع الخامس Water Way ، بيجري ورا الناس و يمسك فيهم كأنه بيدور على حد ، و عمال يعيط صوته عالي خدته ووديته اكشف عليه و هو دلوقتي عندي بس مش هقدر اخليه لاني عندي ثلاث قطط تانية معتقدش هيقدر ي survive في الشارع , شكله متسرب لانه تصرفات قطة بيت خالص اتمنى يلاقي بيت رحيم Hello, Found this little cat in the Water Way, Fifth settlement, he was crying and following people around randomly as if he's looking for something. I don't know if he's lost. He looks very sad and vulnerable I took him to the vet, then home to figure out what to do with him, I don't think he can survive outside. Can't keep him for long though as I have three other cats I hope he finds a warm loving family
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