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60m shop for immediate delivery in front of the Saudi German Hospital on Al-Nahda Road in Rich Point Mall 0
See 19 photos
EGP 13,000,000

60m shop for immediate delivery in front of the Saudi German Hospital on Al-Nahda Road in Rich Point Mall

Heliopolis, Cairo
2 days ago
Area (m²)60
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Air ConditioningCovered ParkingSecurityStorage
60m shop immediate receipt Location: On Joseph Tito Axis directly in front of Cairo Airport and on Taha Hussein Axis directly in front of the Saudi German Hospital 4-year installments without interest For inquiries or contact: (View phone number) Or click on the WhatsApp icon for easy communication ____ Rich Point Mall El Nozha project facilities and services Unit owners and visitors to Rich Point Mall El Nozha New get a very distinctive experience due to the volume of services and facilities provided by Rich House Developments in the project, through which it tries to help unit owners finish their work very quickly, and at the same time ensure visitors a comfortable experience in terms of walking and shopping, and the facilities and services in Mall Rich Point New Nozha are as follows: There are electronic entrances in Rich Point Mall El Nozha that organize entry and exit and prevent congestion. To facilitate the unit owners and visitors in the Rich Point Mall El Nozha project, it operates with modern technological systems. Rich Point Mall provides parking garages under the project to prevent crowding in front of the mall gates. Rich Point New Nozha contains cafes and restaurants that offer the most delicious food and drinks to those present in the mall. While the Rich Point El Nozha project includes high-speed internet networks so that unit owners can finish their work very quickly. Various meetings can be held in the highest-level meeting rooms in Rich Point Mall El Nozha. Security services in the Rich Point project operate 24 hours a day to ensure the safety and comfort of unit owners and visitors.
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