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96 meters, a quick commercial store in Shorouk, in front of the French University in Shorouk, near Al-Rehab, Medinatbi, the Fifth Settlement, and the 0
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EGP 9,120,000

96 meters, a quick commercial store in Shorouk, in front of the French University in Shorouk, near Al-Rehab, Medinatbi, the Fifth Settlement, and the

Shorouk City, Cairo
5 hours ago
Area (m²)96
Payment OptionCash or Installment
Completion statusReady
Air ConditioningCovered ParkingSecurityStorage
96 meters immediate commercial store in El Shorouk in front of the French University in El Shorouk near Rehab, Madinaty, Fifth Settlement and the capital 30 minutes from Cairo Airport Directly in front of the stairs A commercial store with an area of ​​​​96 meters Height 360 First floor on the facade Installments Location Distinctive on a main street Near the villas neighborhood In front of Chill Out gas station The real estate developer is Aswaq Company, which delivered 3 malls in El Shorouk And its last mall is Arena Mall You will see your store on the ground The highest investment return The highest rental return The highest return on assets Ease of operation and rent by the management company responsible for the project The mall complies with the specifications of the operational codes For international brands The mall provides full services From a large number of elevators A number of Escalators Internal Plaza Electronic Parking Electronic Gates High Speed ​​Internet Networks Service Networks for Individuals Waiting Places Payment Details: Installments To Contact: (View phone number) Sky Plaza Mall El Shorouk Grand Mall El Shorouk Shops El Shorouk Malls 2 El Shorouk Mall Cairo Future Mall El Shorouk Terrace Mall El Shorouk Shops
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Ad id 501348470
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